The Interrogation
Calgary, 2011
Dir: Dominique Keller
HD Video
Live action comedy
Young Audiences Program
Take a mother and daughter clash of generational values on the question of babies, cross it with a police procedural, then throw in a healthy measure of Three Stooges mayhem and you may have a fair description of Dominique Keller’s The Interrogation. Except that the experience of watching it never even approaches the strangeness you might expect from such an odd brew of classifiers. Maybe it’s because The Interrogation is so darn funny. Or maybe it’s because Keller’s metaphors so accurately depict the subconscious battleground on which arguments about some life choices are waged between parents and their progeny (from the progeny’s point of view, anyway). And maybe that subconscious aspect is actually a better starting point from which to make any attempt to encapsulate the film: The Interrogation is kind of like Keller saying, “Funny you should mention babies - last night I had this crazy dream in which my mother was dressed like a cop...” and continuing from there. However it’s best described, the film manages to be absurdist, symbolic, surreal, even expressionistic - not to mention hilarious fun - all at once.
Dominique Keller is an award-winning director known for a distinct visual style and biting narratives. Her recent filmmaking honors include representing Canada at both the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and at the Shanghai 2010 World Expo. Her independent films have screened and won awards at over fifty film festivals worldwide.